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The Great Shefford pub (formerly the Swan)


The Parish Council recently submitted a bid to West Berks Council to list our pub as an ACV (Asset of Community Value).

Unfortunately, the Council were informed last week that the Panel determined that the nomination did not meet the criteria for an ACV. This is a source of huge disappointment to the Parish Council, especially since we felt that we had provided as much information as was asked of us.

The reasons for the Panel’s decision are set out in the attached Assessment Form. These were mostly related to WBC's perceived lack of supporting evidence about how the events held at the pub furthered the social wellbeing or social interest of the local community. Also, WBC reported that this lack of evidence about previous community usage made it difficult to discern whether there could be any in future.

With that in mind, the Parish Council would be happy to re-submit a fresh bid but we will need your assistance with this. If you are willing, please could you email with details of when you attended any events at the pub (photographic evidence would be an additional bonus), why you attended, with whom you attended (especially if they are residents), and how it 'furthered your social well-being or social interest'. In other words, if you enjoyed it and it made you want to visit the pub again, please say so! If you would like to write a letter of support to list the pub as an ACV and you would intend to visit the pub (if it opens) in the future, then that support would also be helpful.

Thank you for your engagement on this matter.

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