Pilates and Rehab Classes
Kirsty Harris is bringing two physiotherapist-led classes to Great Shefford Village Hall:
Lower Limb Rehab Thursdays 5:00-6:00pm
Physiotherapist-Led Pilates – Thursdays 6:15-7:15pm
The Lower Limb Rehab Class is an exercise-based rehabilitation class aimed at improving your lower limb function, mobility, strength and balance. The class is set up as a circuit of exercises that are progressed and regressed as appropriate to ensure they are suitable for everybody attending the group.

Style of class
The Lower Limb Rehab Class is suitable for people recovering from lower-limb injuries or conditions, people preparing for surgery who want to build up their strength and function to get into the best possible shape ahead of surgery, people recovering from many different types of lower-limb surgery or people who have not necessarily suffered an injury but who want to build up their activity levels, function, or confidence within the safety of a physiotherapy-led rehab class.
The Physio-Led Pilates Class is a matbased Pilates class aimed at improving strength, especially at our functional core and trunk muscles. The exercises will also promote mobility, flexibility and balance. The class will run as group session and all the exercises will have various difficulty levels to allow participants to progress through the levels as they improve.
All exercises will include demonstrations of level 1 exercises, suitable for beginners. Before you attend the Rehab or Pilates groups you will be asked to complete a questionnaire asking about your rehab needs, any significant medical history, and any surgical history/plans. This allows us to ensure that the classes are suitable for you and helps us design the classes to ensure you meet your goals. The classes cost £10 per session. To book a place in the Lower Limb Rehab Class or the Pilates Class, or if you need further info or have any questions, please contact Kirsty via email on info@vitalityphysio.co.uk or call 07918 047128
If you would like to know more about the class, please use the Contact Us above